When I realized there was no justice

The first time I realized that there was no such thing as justice may have come much later than most. Maybe it came earlier than most depending on which side of the proverbial “tracks” you stand on. Regardless, there was plenty beforehand that may have made me feel unfairly targeted while simultaneously feeling like I […]

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A brief suggestion on academic discourse etiquette

At times you find yourself attempting to learn more about the world and venturing into groups of people who are highly intelligent and specialized individuals of genius level awesomeness. Of course with those people come highly educated trolls. In the name of learning, some of these people can be condescending and argumentative for what seems […]


Misogyny is Dead- or is that Killer?

The game Killer is Dead was recently made available to United States audiences and we picked up a copy to play. Do yourself a favor and watch the reviews and read up like here on IGN before you go in blind because you’re thinking, ‘a new game by Suda 51! Yay!’ I assure you, you […]


heat rash remedies that are cool :D

So it’s getting warmer (understatement a bit) and it’s the time when all sorts of strange ailments start to creep into your lifestyle and throw you for a loop… like HEAT RASH! Sometimes called prickly heat or sweat rash, miliaria (scientific name) is a commonly bothersome heat-related (as the name suggests) ailment. It’s especially common […]


the last of us - a feminist perspective

The Last of Us- a highly anticipated and positively reviewed (unanimous 10s?) game- came out on Tuesday and has been in the PS3 since then. Some of you out there have probably already beaten the game or at least progressed way beyond where full time job and two kids allows you to progress to but […]


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