
Radical Madre is the project of one rad mama (if she does say so herself) who is raising two beautiful children at the moment while trying to keep her sense of community, identity, and bestow all sorts of intelligence upon her chillens.

With a rather unique perspective on parenting, radical madre speaks from the places of independence to the trials and tribulations of single parenthood. It speaks from c-section birth to home birth, from domestic violence to equal partnerships. radical madre is about feminist cunt-love and male appreciation in the same breath (how can feminists raise sons and not make peace with the opposite gender someday?). This is about the retention of the spirit and things that made you unique before you became a parent (sewing and altering your own clothes, cooking weird foods, even partying…) in a way that incorporates the new identity of parent. But radical madre is not just about parenting, it is about the community that has fallen to disarray where even those who weren’t interested in children still played a part in raising them. This is the journey and documentation of thoughts, things, and dreams from a mama seeking the return to days when pregnancy, parturition, and parenting were held sacred.

In a hyper-commercialized world increasingly detached from community, nature, and autonomy, it becomes even more important to reclaim all the bits of yourself that get lost amongst the birth and raising of consciousness. And in that reclamation, there is patriarchal nonsense that defines the experience of woman in this culture, recesses and biases in the family courtroom, placentas, gardening, kitchen remedies, recipes, thoughts, and more. All while raising children to be a compassionate, sensitive people and challenging yourself as the parent to join them (finally, perhaps).

The more that we can share and learn from each other, the more that we can connect and grow in a healthy way for our children and our children’s children whether or not you want to be a parent.

So please take a look, refer a friend, suggest some thoughts and keep in touch.


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