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Category: birth


postpartum stretch marks

I know this may sound naive, but no one told me that my entire body and life would change with a child. I think part of this is because my family isn’t exactly all for free and open sex talks not to mention the silence that the greater society takes with postpartum problems *but* that’s […]

A baby by any other name…

When I got pregnant with my second child, I was nervous. Financially I hadn’t really recovered from my first child, the resulting lawsuit with the father, or the years afterward of paying off hospital bills because I didn’t have insurance for my newborn. Money wasn’t all of it though, I didn’t know if I was […]

bleeding belly buttons on babies

As a new parent or a parent that hasn’t parented a baby in awhile, you may find that you have all these questions you should know the answers to but don’t. One of those “shouldn’t you know it” questions and concerns is when your baby’s umbilical cord falls off, should there be blood? Here is […]

guy goes through fake labor

I LOVE this. It’s hard to explain labor to anyone who hasn’t gone through it, but hey, validation for the experience is validation. Even though labor isn’t supposed to be painful like the media makes it out to be (pain is usually an indication of something else like fear, anxiety, or complications), it’s very cool […]


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