beyond baby mamas: conversations with women of color

Here’s an interesting concept via a nifty blog by Stacia L Brown on being a single mother of color in America. With the slut-shaming that many women (especially those who wind up single) are subjected to with the burdens of being “of color” in a predominantly white, heterosexist, and patriarchal culture, this should be an interesting program. From the website:

This Thursday marks the premiere of my brand new, experimental web broadcast, Beyond Baby Mamas: Conversations with Single Mothers of Color.

Beyond Baby Mamas will aim to address some of the issues I’ve discussed on my blog over the past two years, from building a child-rearing “village” to tackling different stages of child development to challenging commonly held assumptions about what it means to be a single mother of color in America. Each week, I’ll welcome a new panel of women of various backgrounds and experiences to share their opinions, expertise, and/or personal stories. Every broadcast will focus on a different topic. This week’s theme is Statistics Are Not Our Stories: Confronting Public Perceptions of Minority Single Motherhood.

The discussion will begin LIVE on Thursday, September 20 at 6:30pm EST. Join us then at Google Hangouts On Air. In the meantime, I’d love it if you bookmarked this page, joined our Facebook community, and spread the word! We’ll be taking on-air questions via Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. And if you’d like to be considered as a guest on an upcoming panel, contact me at stacialbrown at gmail dot com for more information.

So give Beyond Baby Mamasa listen, a look, or a thought and see if you can’t learn something or even contribute if you’ve been at the cross section of motherhood and or femininity. The more we can learn and relate to each other, the more we can stand together to create the life and future women and children deserve. 🙂

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