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Category: feminism


Misogyny is Dead- or is that Killer?

The game Killer is Dead was recently made available to United States audiences and we picked up a copy to play. Do yourself a favor and watch the reviews and read up like here on IGN before you go in blind because you’re thinking, ‘a new game by Suda 51! Yay!’ I assure you, you […]


the last of us - a feminist perspective

The Last of Us- a highly anticipated and positively reviewed (unanimous 10s?) game- came out on Tuesday and has been in the PS3 since then. Some of you out there have probably already beaten the game or at least progressed way beyond where full time job and two kids allows you to progress to but […]


postpartum stretch marks

I know this may sound naive, but no one told me that my entire body and life would change with a child. I think part of this is because my family isn’t exactly all for free and open sex talks not to mention the silence that the greater society takes with postpartum problems *but* that’s […]


Baby Wearing in Parliament for the win!

How exciting is this? Italian parliament member, Licia Ronzulli brought her 6 week old daughter to work in a baby sling! Because why not? I have to wonder why most office jobs like this one that require little to nothing resembling unsafe baby-wearing or baby-being-present conditions can’t be done with … a baby! The idea […]

It’s okay to be a boy…


Gender, Race, and Star Trek

Recently I’ve started watching Star Trek the original series on Netflix. One of the first things I noticed when I was watching it was the fact that there is an impressing representation of men and women (i.e. at least 1 woman to every 3 or 4 men) with the women playing supporting roles on the […]

Halloween Girls vs Halloween Boys

Sure it’s a cute cartoon meant to poke fun at the slutty-whatever-for-Halloween trend, but it’s pretty true that the selection for girls’ costumes and Halloween wear is rather feminine, totally gender-biased, and well lends itself to objectification. As if this costume has anything to do with the my little pony it’s based on especially when […]

guy goes through fake labor

I LOVE this. It’s hard to explain labor to anyone who hasn’t gone through it, but hey, validation for the experience is validation. Even though labor isn’t supposed to be painful like the media makes it out to be (pain is usually an indication of something else like fear, anxiety, or complications), it’s very cool […]

chris brownout

Thanks to Bitch! for the lovely note on how to block the hell out of total douche Chris Brown. From their story (link above): If you’re tired of seeing his stupid face in your news feed and no longer want to hear about how he’s turned domestic violence into a marketing ploy or how Dr. […]

beyond baby mamas: conversations with women of color

Here’s an interesting concept via a nifty blog by Stacia L Brown on being a single mother of color in America. With the slut-shaming that many women (especially those who wind up single) are subjected to with the burdens of being “of color” in a predominantly white, heterosexist, and patriarchal culture, this should be an […]


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