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Category: parenting


To all the dads out there…

You know who you are! I salute you, dad, papa, father, or first name basis stepping in for the sperm donor who bailed (or mom who has always filled in for the dad that never stepped up). Today is your day for acknowledgement and I honor you. To the dads who said, the baby isn’t […]

my son with his great grandpa before his passing. :)

speaking on death

My eldest child happened to be born at a time when death surrounded our family. Within the span of a year or so, almost 8 people left their physical bodies behind (older and younger family members). Recently, that has happened again. In between those 6 years of dealing with death, veganism happened to me which […]


Ninja Meerkats Book Giveaway

Hello Blogosphere and Interwebs! I’ve got a new giveaway for you all! The Ninja Meerkats Book 1 & 2 giveaway! Yay! You may be asking yourself… what is a Ninja Meerkat? Well, it’s like the Ninja Turtles but they’re meerkats and instead of being on TV, they’re in a book. I had never heard of […]


Baby Wearing in Parliament for the win!

How exciting is this? Italian parliament member, Licia Ronzulli brought her 6 week old daughter to work in a baby sling! Because why not? I have to wonder why most office jobs like this one that require little to nothing resembling unsafe baby-wearing or baby-being-present conditions can’t be done with … a baby! The idea […]

Internalized Colonization

So my new favorite idea/site/awesome is DecolonizingYoga which, at the time of this writing, doesn’t have much on their website but man is their Facebook Page blowing up with knowledge! I am loving this perspective on yoga which, is few and far between! Yoga is such an immensely deep and spiritual practice that has all […]

It’s okay to be a boy…


Why I like cloth diapers

I’ve been using cloth diapers with my second child and I have to tell you, I’m a fan! I was intimidated at first because my mom isn’t into the idea of washing kaka rags all the time (completely understandable) and there isn’t really a diaper service near our neck of the proverbial woods (desert?). So […]

a new room

My eldest got their own room yesterday. It’s bittersweet. For so long we have had a mostly unbroken attachment and it feels sad to know that the independence has been firmly established by my child to sleep in their own bed and to move into their own room. I always felt like it was up […]

A baby by any other name…

When I got pregnant with my second child, I was nervous. Financially I hadn’t really recovered from my first child, the resulting lawsuit with the father, or the years afterward of paying off hospital bills because I didn’t have insurance for my newborn. Money wasn’t all of it though, I didn’t know if I was […]

Corporate Propaganda & Factory Farming

Saw this in the news file today: “Chick-fil-A Has a New Children’s Book Loaded with Propaganda to Conceal the Horrors of Corporate Agriculture” (via Alternet). It’s unfortunately nothing new. I have a few books from when I was a small child that bear the stamp of food lucifer McDonald’s in an attempt to lure me […]


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