ninja meerkats, giveaway, books, reading, literacy

Ninja Meerkats Book Giveaway

Hello Blogosphere and Interwebs! I’ve got a new giveaway for you all!

The Ninja Meerkats Book 1 & 2 giveaway! Yay!

You may be asking yourself… what is a Ninja Meerkat?

Well, it’s like the Ninja Turtles but they’re meerkats and instead of being on TV, they’re in a book. I had never heard of such a thing until my kindergartner became quite interested in the series after a random trip to the bookstore. So, we got our hands on the first two books and he loved them! 🙂 Well, because reading is so important in this family, I would like to extend a giveaway for the first two Ninja Meerkat books for your own family! If your kid is an advanced reader and a fan of silliness like mine (or you happen to know a child who might be), then please enter! The two books are below: The Clan of the Scorpion and The Eye of the Monkey. 🙂

Check out the Author, Gareth P. Jones, website: Gareth Writes for more Ninja Meerkat stuff. 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I didn’t receive any compensation for this post, as it would happen we were gifted an extra set of these books (mistaken for subsequent titles) and instead of returning them, I’m paying the fun forward because my child enjoyed them so much I think that it would be fun to share and reading is a big deal to us ninjas over here as I said in the beginning. 🙂 Enjoy!

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