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abundant thinking for parents (part 2)

This is part 2 of tips for abundant thinking for parents. Try to re-imagine your relationship to money so you can be more successful and happy and teach your children how to relate positively toward their finances. For the previous 10 tips, read: Abundant Thinking for Parents (part 1). 11. Dream big, failure is only […]


abundant thinking for parents (part 1)

Sometimes it takes a reboot of perspective to help us see where we can become better and more attuned to what is important. Possibly the most important area where this can happen is with money and our relationship to it. As anyone raising children can attest, money is an important and necessary aspect of having […]


DIY Baby Wrap

When I was a little girl, my mom used to make everything herself from dolls to clothing and more. As an adult I look back on her craftiness and ingenuity fondly and seek to do more of that myself. While these days my mom and family would rather buy it than make it (or even […]


you don’t want your kids inheriting your money issues, do you?

Sit down for a moment and think about your finances. Are your finances where you want them to be? Are you rolling in tons of green? Are you in debt to the point where you feel crushing financial obligation? Do you feel like you’re making enough at your job? Do you feel like you’re even […]


play by Lawrence Cohen

Here are two lovely quotes by Lawrence Cohen. As I had no idea who this person was before reading these quotes, here’s a primer from his website Lawrence J. Cohen, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist specializing in children’s play and play therapy. He is also a speaker and consultant to public and independent schools, […]


the quandary of budding bullying

For reasons that would probably consume a memoir, my kid divulges all the dirt of the school day to my mom but generally keeps mum when it comes to telling me what’s going on. As my partner says, I don’t ask the right questions but memoir length equivocations aside, it came to my attention that […]


your name doesn’t determine your ability to be ridiculed by assholes

I’ve posted previously about naming your kid and I stand by my original proclamation: what the hell is in a name but our own vanities and expectations? Really people, what is in a name? What is your investment in the naming of my child? Why do you care so much about what I name my […]


placenta options

So you’d like to preserve your placenta somehow… There are lots of options for preserving the placenta and once you settle on which one you would like (or why not try them all if you can?) then you’ll need instructions and a plan of action. Placenta preservation is a time sensitive matter so you will […]


losing your cool

It’s a commonly accepted notion that parents aren’t perfect. Hell, any person on earth can rattle off an embarrassingly long list of the imperfections their parents carry whether those parents are living or dead and despite the retrospective glorification of the passed. And yet, as a parent, it sucks to know you aren’t perfect and […]


what’s in a name?

Sometimes it’s weird being so “granola” as you develop or expunge a fetus from your womb. Granola being the preferred term for people like me who don’t blindly walk into the hospital or OB’s office accepting this is the best and only way to do birth and parenting. Granola being the weirdo who thinks cloth […]


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