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a new room

My eldest got their own room yesterday. It’s bittersweet. For so long we have had a mostly unbroken attachment and it feels sad to know that the independence has been firmly established by my child to sleep in their own bed and to move into their own room. I always felt like it was up […]


A baby by any other name…

When I got pregnant with my second child, I was nervous. Financially I hadn’t really recovered from my first child, the resulting lawsuit with the father, or the years afterward of paying off hospital bills because I didn’t have insurance for my newborn. Money wasn’t all of it though, I didn’t know if I was […]


Corporate Propaganda & Factory Farming

Saw this in the news file today: “Chick-fil-A Has a New Children’s Book Loaded with Propaganda to Conceal the Horrors of Corporate Agriculture” (via Alternet). It’s unfortunately nothing new. I have a few books from when I was a small child that bear the stamp of food lucifer McDonald’s in an attempt to lure me […]


video game throwback: passing the tradition onward

For Christmas my partner and I decided to trick out an old PC for my kid and order one of these awesome USB compatible throwbacks to the Super Nintendo controller. (via Think Geek) Now my baby can get down with emulator games (even though you know this mama kept her SNES console and games in […]


Gender, Race, and Star Trek

Recently I’ve started watching Star Trek the original series on Netflix. One of the first things I noticed when I was watching it was the fact that there is an impressing representation of men and women (i.e. at least 1 woman to every 3 or 4 men) with the women playing supporting roles on the […]


mama whale adopts orphaned calf

In the news recently is a mama right whale who adopted an orphaned calf lurking about the area where she and her little one were hanging out. While we talk often of human mommies and lady stuffs, it’s nice to look outside our species at the charities and sweet instinctual love of mommies from all […]


an ode to boobies and milk

There is nothing that brings me as much joy as nursing my babies. Sure, sometimes it is challenging but there is something so special about those moments that they wholly outweigh the momentary frustrations. It does suck(le) that my boobs are extra milky and leak all over everything making laundry a bitch and causing me […]


testing newborns for marijuana?

So it seems that United States hospitals- where else would this happen?!- are testing newborns for marijuana exposure. Aside from being fucking stupid- excuse the language- and a total invasion of privacy, it turns out that the results are fairly inconsistent begging the question: what is causing the false positives for THC and why do […]


you’re okay (but you’re really not)

As parents, it’s hard to watch your child feel sad, mad, frustrated or any emotion that is less than blissful and ecstatic about life. However, it should be wildly apparent by now that even as an infant, it’s pretty much impossible to prevent those bitter experiences from ever happening to your precious growing bundle of […]


bleeding belly buttons on babies

As a new parent or a parent that hasn’t parented a baby in awhile, you may find that you have all these questions you should know the answers to but don’t. One of those “shouldn’t you know it” questions and concerns is when your baby’s umbilical cord falls off, should there be blood? Here is […]


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