raw, raw vegan, weight loss, cleanse, cleansing, raw foods cleanse, go vegan, go raw, details, spring, spring cleaning, spring cleanse, vegan

what’s in a cleanse?

We’re selling the heck out of this Spring Cleanse and we totally hope you’ll sign up!

Because we know just commanding you in all manner of ways to GO SIGN UP FOR THIS CLEANSE is only so effective, here’s what you’ll be getting when you sign up!


CLEANSE DATES: March 25 - April 8

CLEANSE LOCATION: Everywhere!!! It’s virtual so as long as you’ve got some web connection, you’ve got the ability to cleanse.

COST: $50 for an individual


This Spring Cleanse is two weeks of healthy tips, tricks, and tasty eats all designed to give you the greatest, easiest, best cleanse experience ever. Here’s how it goes:


As long as you’re eating vegan, it’s all good. Since the assumption is many of you are still eating animal products including meat, dairy, and fish, then going vegan can be a challenge in and of itself. Going vegan gives you the ability to cut out a lot of foods that you might crave in order to prepare you for the following week.


Soy is a common allergen and it’s in a lot of vegan convenience foods. These foods are expensive and they’re really not that great for you so cut out the soy and challenge yourself to make healthier animal-friendly; animal free foods in preparation for the last legs of the cleanse!

Wheat is another common allergen and it’s been getting a lot of bad press lately (all the gluten consciousness) so let’s see how it makes you feel when you cut it out completely. Who knows, you may like going gluten-free!

Sugar is really addictive but don’t worry, it won’t be too long that it will be gone! By cutting out wheat and soy you’ve likely already cut out a lot of sugary products like cookies and chocolate chips, but just in case you’ve found a way around it, it’s time to kiss the white stuff good bye in anticipation of the last few days of the cleanse!


Going raw means that you will be eating all uncooked food! This part of the cleanse relies heavily on leafy greens and vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Generally we like to eat raw more than a few days, but this is a short dive into a very devoted way of eating! This week you’ll really need to have your food ready to go and plan ahead so you don’t get caught hungry in a healthy food desert (i.e. surrounded by junk food!).

WEEK TWO, DAYS 5 - 7: LIQUIDS ONLY! (or finish strong & RAW)

This last bit is up to you- if you’re really struggling with raw foods or don’t have the equipment or money to do only liquids, we understand and won’t ask you to do anything past eating raw. 🙂 This is just as good as drinking liquids only. Liquids only are the very same raw foods blended or juiced. While there are benefits to drinking your foods instead of eating them, eating your food will still provide amazing results! 🙂

As far as drinking your foods- this is the good part! Everything you’ve done the past few weeks is leading up to this moment!

After that, you’re done! Hopefully you’ll be feeling amazing and maybe you’ll even keep cleansing! Either way, you did it!


CLEANSE MATERIALS and other information:

In this cleanse you will get the following materials:

  • A topic of interest about a health-related topic like “food cravings and how to deal with them” (x 1 per day)
  • Daily DIY inspiration with suggestions to try for over 5 categories daily DIY (like recipes, exercise, self-improvement).
  • “cleanse packet” (a welcome sheet amongst other things)
  • Daily group email support
  • Daily personal emailing as needed (i.e. with me).
  • recipes
  • recommended books, equipment and other guides and resources

This list may or may not change! We’re always looking for ways to make cleansing amazing! Stay tuned! (Got an idea? Submit it!)



  • When you sign up for the cleanse, you may stay anonymous to the group by specifying BCC (blind copy) in your cleanse purchase notes or sending a personal email to me. Group Support is encouraged but it’s your cleanse! So do what feels right for you. 🙂
  • You will receive a welcome and introduction packet before the cleanse begins (about a week before).
  • As the cleanse date approaches, you’ll get more personalized instructions emailed to you.


Any questions? CONTACT US! 🙂

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