Tag: vegan


why isn’t my mattress vegan?!

Recently it has come to my attention that mattresses are not, actually, vegan. It’s a completely random revelation and it’s also rather surprising in the sense that you think you’re lying on a pile of dead wood, springs (unless you’re one of the Tempurpedic privileged few) and some sort of synthetic or plant-based filling. Well… […]


if you’re not vegan everyday you’re not vegan at all

I’ve been vegan for awhile now- happily subsisting on various vegan-related diets from raw to junk food all in the name of cruelty-free goodness! Despite trying to stay connected in the community, in recent months I’ve been moving more online with my vegan kula* fix (which is easier with the new tiny adorable person in […]


Spring Cleanse GIVEAWAY!

Enter to win a spot in our upcoming Spring Cleanse for free using the awesome raffle tool below. This cleanse will not only provide you with a jump on the healthy train and spring cleaning (hey, your body has hypothetical cobwebs to clear out too!) but it will provide you with lots of useful information […]


what’s in a cleanse?

We’re selling the heck out of this Spring Cleanse and we totally hope you’ll sign up! Because we know just commanding you in all manner of ways to GO SIGN UP FOR THIS CLEANSE is only so effective, here’s what you’ll be getting when you sign up! CLEANSE DATES: March 25 - April 8 CLEANSE […]


spring cleanse!

It’s that time of year when the snow melts, the rain stops and flowers start blooming, the animals have their babies and rejuvenation after a long winter starts kicking in! It’s also what many like to affectionately call “spring cleaning!” Spring cleaning generally conjures up the image of a massive overhaul of dusty corners, dirty […]


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