Tag: choice


A baby by any other name…

When I got pregnant with my second child, I was nervous. Financially I hadn’t really recovered from my first child, the resulting lawsuit with the father, or the years afterward of paying off hospital bills because I didn’t have insurance for my newborn. Money wasn’t all of it though, I didn’t know if I was […]


Professor Breastfeeds in class- so what?!

Without getting “too deep” into the ridiculousness of being appalled by boobs, boob-feedings, or bringing your baby to your work when all else fails, here’s what I find grossly ironic: A professor of anthropology breastfed her baby in class. Yeah HI. Do you know what anthropology is? It’s the study of human cultures. You should […]


a quote to ponder

Charlotte Taft is the director at the Abortion Care Network. For more of her words of wisdom, check out these beautifully written articles. Silencing 50 Million Women What Do Focus on the Family, Sarah Palin, and Abortion Care Network Have in Common


if you can’t trust me with a choice…

“If you can’t trust me with a choice…” “…How can you trust me with a child?” I’ve always found this an interesting flaw with the anti-choice movement. If you want people to have babies so badly and believe so strongly that it is murder to terminate a pregnancy, then why wouldn’t you give mothers- especially […]


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