Tag: Racism

game reviews

Bioshock is like… bioSHOCKING

So the new game in the PS3 is… BIOSHOCK. I’m not up on my gaming by any stretch of the imagination. I haven’t played this new crap because I stick boobs in tiny people’s mouths and blog. So enter in the new Bioshock game… um yeah. What the heck is this? P.S. I’m about to […]


Internalized Colonization

So my new favorite idea/site/awesome is DecolonizingYoga which, at the time of this writing, doesn’t have much on their website but man is their Facebook Page blowing up with knowledge! I am loving this perspective on yoga which, is few and far between! Yoga is such an immensely deep and spiritual practice that has all […]


On the “Fringe” of racism

I love Fringe- it’s so brilliantly entertaining. The idea of a parallel universe, of different experiments that seek to control and understand the theorized dormant abilities present in each person, the explorations of time travel and timelines are fascinating. And Fringe is a well done show that speaks my kind of dramatic nerd language and […]


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